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Data Governance

A quality control discipline that encompasses the people, processes and information technology to create consistent and proper handling of data.

Data Quality Engine (DQE)

A component of PIMS that validates data within and across data sets. The Data Quality Engine (DQE) is used to increase the overall quality of data while decreasing overall errors.

Data Set Calendar

The calendar used by local education agencies to manage collection windows, correction windows, snapshot dates, accuracy certification statement (ACS) due dates.  This calendar also details required, optional and update only templates per collection, as well as planned trainings provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) staff.

Discipline Domain

This domain is used to track school safety incidents involving all students, including special education students.  School districts, intermediate units, career and technology centers and charter schools report to this domain.  The required templates include Incident, Person, Incident Offender, Incident Offender Infraction, Incident Offender Disciplinary Action, Incident Offender Parent Involvement and Incident Victim.

District Domain

This domain includes two templates, the District Fact Template and the District Snapshot Template. The District Fact Template captures data related to Limited English Proficiency (LEP), Title 1, School Choice and their professional activities appropriately. The District Snapshot Template is uploaded by all school districts and charter schools with kindergarten programs and is data related to kindergarten entry age requirements.